Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Music Review: Questions

Q. Q? Q is like the letter X. It's not an easy letter in an alphabet book. Sometimes the match is far-fetched, but those letters are needed. Q and X are a part of our language. I've decided to branch out and ask some questions. Or you could ask questions in the comments below.

Do you have a favorite storytime song or music album?
- It would be very difficult to name just one song or one album. Some of my tried and true singers I use for storytime are Hap Palmer, Jim Gill, Miss Carole, and Mike Soloway. I usually end of using Jim Gill the most right now.

What's the newest album that you enjoy as a family?
- The newest album that I have in my head is Odds & Ends by Andrew & Polly. I'll have to share that review soon. I have their Grapes song on repeat way too often in my head, but it's a fun song for little ones. I can't help but picture my little loved ones singing it on repeat as well.

Is there a kindie album I should hear?
- I've heard a good handful of albums, but there is always something new around the corner. Give me a suggestion!

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