What a wimpsical and riotous story about a family called Willoughby! The parents don't like their children and the children don't like their parents. They are out to remove themselves from each other's care. Surprisingly...yet unspirisingly...freedom is won! The adults go off on vacation and sell their home. The children leave their home and live with a neighbor.
Lowry freely sprinkles outrageous and classic moments throughout the story. The children label themselves as old fashioned children, so they constantly share the names and booktitles of classic litruature such as Pollyanna, Heidi, etc. The crazy antics include giving away a baby, sharing one sweater between twins, and hiding from the realtor.
Arte Johnson is a wonderul fit as narrator for The Willoughbys. He has a classic radio voice which goes hand in hand with the homage to classic children's stories. Even the glossary at the end is amusing to hear.
Reviewed from a library copy.
Audio Book Details...
The Willoughbys by Lois Lowry
Read by Arte Johnson
Produced by Listening Library
Number of Discs: 3
Total Time: 2 hours, 56 minutes
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