Strangers on a Train follows the adventures of Nancy Drew and her friends George and Bess as they continue their journey on the Arctic Star. The Alaskan cruise is nearly to the end of its route and the girls find themselves going in land to Denali National Park home of Mount McKinley. Nancy is still on the lookout for the individual who wants to hurt her. Other instances happen on the boat, the train, and at the park that made her ponder who on earth could wish her harm?
The story picks up right after book one Curse of the Arctic Star. I could not wait to listen to Stranger on a Train. Keene created great cliffhangers for this new series. Putting the two books together, it felt like watch television episodes or a movie split into two parts. The characters were familiar, but the setting different. New incidents, facts, and finds were introduced to keep the story going at a good pace. The danger to Nancy Drew is wrapped up with a great rescue. Nancy (as well as the reader) will be glad to go home to River Heights where danger will be far away. ... Or will it? I don't know. I'll have to find book three and discover what happens when Nancy returns home with George and Bess.
Jorjeana Marie returns to read Strangers on a Train. Again, her voice fit very well with Nancy Drew and the other characters. She is very believable as a teen/young adult and her voice is enjoyable. Her character voices are maintained well from book one to book two. I would listen to her again. You can listen to an audiobook sample on Oasis Audio's website.
Reviewed from an Audiobook Jukebox copy. Thank you, Oasis Audio!
Audio Book Details...
Strangers on a Train by Carolyn Keene
Series: Book 2, Nancy Drew Diaries
Read by Jorjeana Marie
Produced by Oasis Audio
Number of Discs: MP3 download (12 parts)
Total Time: 3 hours 19 minutes
Release Date: May 2015
ISBN: 9781613757239